Saturday, December 31, 2011

say goodbye to 2011

I am the luckiest. I cant believe today is the last day of 2011. Time flies. I decided to summarize my year in pictures. Going through all of the pictures made me so happy and so sad. My pictures of south america... I almost cried. I miss my family so much, and I wouldn't even be able to express my love for them in words. Then I came back to Utah and got back into my last classes before the accounting program took over my life. Spring was SO fun. It was great to be back, campus wasn't crowded and I still had my friends. Then my second Summer time of the year came. The moment of truth. All of my friends left me for either boyfriends, jobs, or decided to leave the country... I didn't know anyone who was staying summer term. I decided to move to King Henry with random roommates which ended up to be one of the best decisions ever. I met my roommate and best friend Stacy along with all of my other great friends from that ward.  We did fun things everyday and everyone had so much free time. I got to go to a family reunion in Rexburg and spend some time in Oregon before FALL. Fall. I started the accounting program and moved back to Lanai. I met more amazing people at Lanai, my best friend Cait was back from her study abroad and life was good. But crazy. The accounting program is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life, but it is so rewarding and I can't imagine myself in any other major. During fall, my dad, Hailey, and Thomas came to visit Provo for a weekend, I got to go to Vegas for my 21st birthday with my mommy. Then before I knew it, I was home for Thanksgiving, then it was finals. And I was in Hawaii with my family. Its crazy how time just FLIES. I had to be so selective on the pictures I included and I still have a TON. This year was amazing. It's amazing how much you can learn and grow in a year. The things we go through, the habits we form all make us into the person we are today. The thing I learned in 2011, is that its all about the people. You could be doing the coolest thing of your entire life, but if you arent with someone you care about, then it doesn't even matter. In 2011, I met people that have changed my life forever. I finally got to spend time with my dad's side of the family in Uruguay and they took my heart. I've never felt so much love in my entire life. I got to spend time with my brothers and sisters, who are growing up so fast and surprise me by their maturity. I met incredible people at BYU - my friends at Lanai, King Henry, Liberty Square, through the Accounting Program, and my random encounters. Going through all of the pictures, I found myself wanting to just write paragraphs about sooo many people and just having pictures of their faces because I love them so much. But this post would have gone on forever because I love too many people. I feel like one of the luckiest girls in the world because the people in my life are truly amazing. 

We started out the new year at the beach in Montevideo, Uruguay 
 quinceañera <3
My sister had her quinceañera
My crazy sister. 

I experienced  real soccer games. 

Spent some time at the beach with Luli :) 
Volunteered at CRE as a receptionist.
plenty of days in the sun. 
Argentina! Love this boy. 
La Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires.

I drove this kid crazy because I love him just sooooo much. 
Said Goodbye :( 
When I got home, my bffe Cait flew out and visited Oregon :) 

We really missed shopping together. 
Then Jon flew out to Oregon! And we drove back to Utah with Hailey and then my family joined us all there for SPRING BREAK 

Vegas with my family 
Festival of Colors.  I was sooo happy to be back in Utah 
Spring time roomates :) 

My new ward at Liberty Square. My calling: Ward photographer, how fitting.


Rosa took us to see the blue man group!
Ziplined in Vegas. 
First time Stacy and I actually hung out :) 

So many days at Seven Peaks. 

I love these people. 
Family Reunion in Idaho! Fourth of July parade :)

 everyday adventures :)
 so much camping :)
gosh i love these boys (and stacy duh)
Bri and I road tripped to Vegas to see our best friend MAGZ wedding.
went home before school started, and stayed at the coast for a few days  
got to see my best friend britnee
My best friends picked me up from the airport and we went to LUPE FIASCO concert!
Started and finished the WAREN CASE. (The first picture we took as an accounting group, gosh  I love them)
Dinner at Brad's grandparents was also one of my favorite things, and here we are after in beautiful SLC. 
I couldn't forget football games with my Best friends. 
I'm pretty sure I was DYING in this picture. DAVID ARCHULETA. twice in one year!? Dream come true. 
We made a trip to Zion's National Park for the weekend, beautiful.

My loves came and visited me for my birthday!
I TURNED 21. AND luckily I got all my best friends together for dinner. (well... a few missing...)
MY BIRTHDAY PARTY! Best day ever, have I mentioned how amazing my friends are?

So we had a few Halloween costumes. 1. ZOOBS. 

Of course. :) Happy Halloween!

Kept up with endless projects with my accounting group. 

Finished Test Week and headed straight to VEGAS to celebrate my 21st with my mommy!
We saw Phantom of the Opera. SO GOOD WOW. and Lion King! Both Great shows. 

Home for Thanksgiving! Family bowling outing with all my cousins! 


Said Goodbye to my accounting family :( This was our last day as a group. 

Hawaii with my family!

Got to see JIMMER play the Blazers!  Wow I love the Blazers. 

Spent some time in the snow with my best friend Catie!

Got to see my high school best friends :) Gosh I love them. 

As time continues to fly by, I hope that in this new year, I can manage to remember what is important. To treat the people that I currently know, and will meet with kindness. To always do my best and to never let any good opportunity pass me by. To treat every moment as something special and always see the positive in everyone and everything. There is so much in life to be thankful for. If we are always criticizing or complaining, who would want to be around us. My biggest pet peeve is when people complain or aren't grateful. You can always find a positive thing to say about every person, about every situation. Some positives may be hard to find at first, but trust me, they're there. Even when times are hard, or things are going wrong, they happen for a reason. To help us grow, to teach us a lesson, or maybe we aren't supposed to understand why. But that's how life goes. Time flies. Life is for enjoying, for taking advantage of. There are so many people to meet, so many places to see! With this new year comes new adventures, new opportunities, and endless possibilities. Carpe Diem! Happy 2012!


PS. See you in 2 days New York!!