Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's day thoughts (original, I know)

Feliz dia de San Valentin, lovers.

Soooooo in celebration of my absolute favorite holiday, I'm writing a blog post! I know, it's a Christmas miracle. It's been awhile, but this blog needs some love.

Okay, it's not actually my favorite holiday, but seriously, I don't know why so many people hate Valentine's day. What's wrong with pretty much being forced to tell the people you love, that you love them. In South America, its known as the day of love and friendship. Hopefully, everyone has someone they can call a friend. Call them up, let them know you are there for them and you love them! There are so many amazing people in this world. One of the greatest things in life is the ability to love. You can never have or give too much love, right? I mean, I was blessed with the gift of love.... seriously though. I love things/people/everything, pretty easily. My kids are in for it, because I will smother them. Hopefully they apreciate it when they are older though hahaha. Also, whenever my friends ask me what they should say to a boy that they are interested in while they are texting him, my response every time: "just tell him you love him." Too much? Hahahaha

As fun as last Valentine's day was, it wasn't that fun. But, I did learn a lot about myself from the experience. First, (and based off of previous years) I learned that Valentine's day isn't really my luckiest day. It's more of a Friday the 13th for me.
Second, I learned that I need to be a good example, in the way I talk, in the way I dress, and in the way I treat others. People notice what you do, and sometimes you don't realize how one action or fb post can be taken.
Third, I learned that it is important to be true to yourself, people who don't even know you will say whatever they want about you, and it's important to have confidence in yourself and don't take strangers criticism too seriously.
Overall, Looking back to a year ago, I have learned and grown so much and I'd like to think I'm a better person. Starting out this year, I made it a goal to let my faith be bigger than my fears. I told myself if I had a worthwhile goal, whether in dating, in school, with my family, anything - that I would pursue it with faith, and give it everything I have. One of my biggest problems is that I'm not patient. I think I need to know things NOW. I used to worry a lot, but I've really learned how to be more patient with myself, and really trust that if I'm doing what I'm supposed to, that the Lord will guide me to where I'm supposed to be.

I don't want to make this post too long. So I'll wrap it up here.

For those of you who hate Valentine's day, (usually the lonely ones (haha the word lonely is the worst....)) take the time to just find someone you really do love. A parent, a sibling, a friend, a potential lover, and tell them you love them. Because let's be real, Valentine's day is just a normal day. Don't take it too seriously. And if really gets you upset... my best advice, stay off of social media... and eat a lot. A lot of chocolate. As for me, this year, I'm just going to stay clear of any cubicals in the Tanner building.


PS. My boyfriend Justin Bieber wrote me the sweetest song <3


  1. I like the lemonade you've made from last years' lemon. Good for you!

  2. Well I hope you got a hot date or something good going on. Don't be like me, babysitting so others can enjoy the holiday is noble but you deserve a guy spending copious amounts of money to give you a good day! :-) happy valentines!
